Monday, July 21, 2008

Walkout :-)

From morning today I was not feeling like goin to college.But somehow I convinced myself to go to college as we had TAX lec today.
I dragged myself to college only to see a handful of people in the class. Later we sat fooling around for almost half an hour when we heard the peon saying that we had to move to some other class. There, I knew this would be one of those combined classes where there is no value addition. Ne ways I asked myself again should I sit for the combined lec, answer was loud and clear in my mind "NO NO ".
But again as I had come to college I decided to attend the lec as It was no harm and understanding the concepts of TAX again...
So I took the seat farthest from the professor so that I could do TP while he would teach....The fun part was the actually class which was supposed to be present was not der...We could see only 3 students from that class rest all were our classmates.
Our jaws were wide open when he said that he teaches MIS to this class...LOL we were damn pissed of on the peon that time as he dint inform us that it was a different subject all together...More over it was MIS ..the subject of which we already had a overdose last Friday
So as expected we switched of and stopped listening to what the prof was saying.
The prof could understand that we were not in a mood to listen. Poor fellow tried to make us feel comfortable saying that"You can listen to me sometime and then decide if you wanna stay or move....or 2nd option is you can leave now itself, but I suggest the 1st choice"
The professor must have got a shock when in just 2 or 3 min half of the class moved out of the class. keep the class high and dry.

It was one of the most best walkout I had in years.. truly njoyed it.Dint feel guilty at all for walking out….had a huge smile on my face just like this :D:D


Wormy said...

hahaha This needs GUTS men.. from where did u get it, Baby Lizard!!??

Unknown said...

:D :D

Dunno why, I find the prof. expecting people to stay as funny.