Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Passing though

Questions Questions...something which really creates stir in our mind
From the time we get up in the morning till the time when our head hits the bed..we come across many questions,Questions from various walks of our life

Some of these questions are answered immediately and forgotten.But there are some which are not answered even though we know the answer.
These are so dangerous, the not an option.We shy away from answering coz we are not ready to accept the truth.The thing remains that till the time we don't face the truth we wont be happy.The moment you confront the truth happiness and satisfactions sinks in...
But the fact remains why do we question out self
isn't just for assurance or there is something else???


Anonymous said...

well, I believe, questioning ourselves is just another way of analyzing our views, thoughts and taking the right path!

Just as you said, "...that till the time we don't face the truth we wont be happy", I believe, to be happy and satisfied with my "own" decision, I have to question myself(maybe a thousand times)and then eventually the right answer pops out... and I'm happy!!

Rakesh said...

hey felt nice that my post pushed someone to think and reproduce more on it....sometimes i feel its not just the fact that its analyzing our views, thoughts and taking the right path..there is something more to it...which iam really not able to answer now

renu dubey said...

Avi, well i think, u hv started thinking a lot these days...n yes...also sharing these wonderful thoughts

So, can we expect a Freud in the making???