Friday, May 30, 2008

Long Live Google

Think ,one day you get up in the morning you have a very important project to brush ur teeth, then log onto your computer try to open the the Google page..and you see nothing..nothing at see a page which says "Google has be shut down"..Surely you would get a big shock isnt it??

Google one of the best thing that has happened to us....Today was going through a local news paper when I saw one of the cartoon by Morparia it read some thing like this..."a person is sitting in front of the computer which has Google page opened on it...and the search is on how to dispose bodies" it was based upon the recent murder that happened where a person was chopped to dead by a kanada actress and her boyfriend

At that time it just clicked me indeed Google has turned on as helpline for almost name it and you get the details regarding it through Google...
Right from schooling children to us to elderly generation.. for everyone Google has become a very important source of information.Feed and the key words and there you go...a gigantic source of information is pulled out...
The term Google has really become synonymous with research.
Me and my colleague were just talking that day about what will happen if Google will start charging for its services...
What would happen then would people actually stop using Google????its hard to do that dont you for the fact we have become so use to goggling that i feel we would have paid for their services...There mite be chances that some other provider mite come into picture...but we all know how dependable Google is..
Heck there have been times when i dint have any thing to do and opened a Google page and started searching what ever came to mind...I bet most of them have done that too :-P
Long live Google and its service..

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